Hot tubs and fungal infections
Think twice before jumping in that hot tub! The warmth and moisture of hot tubs, saunas and spas are all ideal environments for the organisms that cause fungal infections to…
Continue readingThink twice before jumping in that hot tub! The warmth and moisture of hot tubs, saunas and spas are all ideal environments for the organisms that cause fungal infections to…
Continue readingAs small as hangnails are, they are an annoying source of pain and irritation. If not promptly removed, they can get infected. Softening your skin by first soaking your hand…
Continue readingLa tinea capitis (teigne du cuir chevelu) est une infection fongique qui se développe sur le cuir chevelu, les sourcils et les cils. Le champignon s’attaque souvent aux tiges et…
Continue readingFungal infections of the feet can be difficult to treat, especially if they spread to your toenails. The fungus that causes athletes foot proliferates in warm moist environments, so it…
Continue readingYou may like the look of beauty products designed to enhance or embellish the nails, but some have the potential to cause long-term problems. Nail hardeners contain chemicals that can…
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