Prevent breakouts on your scalp and hairline by keeping styling products away from these areas and wearing clean hats or baseball caps that arenot so tight that they trap dirt and sweat. Your hairstyle may also be contributing to the problem if strands hang directly over your face and allow the oils from your scalp to be deposited directly onto your facial skin. If your scalp tends to get oily very quickly, shampoo daily and avoid using too much hair conditioner. Other tips to keep in mind include selecting makeup and facial moisturizers that are noncomedogenic (wonot clog pores) and nonacnegenic (wonot cause acne). Always wash off your makeup. Keep your skin care regimen simple by using a gentle cleanser that is formulated for acneic skin. Try looking for one with a medical ingredient such as salicylic acid. Using your fingertips, gently massage the cleansing product in a circular motion on your face and rinse thoroughly with water, pat dry with a clean towel and moisturize. Select a moisturizing product that provides sun protection; one with a minimum SPF of 15 is best.